IR & Finance

Martina Redmond

1Martina Redmond

How would you describe the culture at MidEuropa?

The culture is one of hard work; it’s fast-paced, collaborative, hands-on and very professional. It’s also increasingly diverse, which is necessary to attract and retain the right colleagues and helps us to empathize with a wide array of business owners.

What drew you to join MidEuropa?

I moved to London in October 2010 and was looking forward to living in a dynamic, diverse and vibrant city as well as finding a job that would allow me to constantly learn and develop. The opportunity posed to me by MidEuropa seemed to offer all of the above and, eleven years later, I am happy to say that this still the case.

What has been your best memory at MidEuropa?

As I have been with the company for quite some time, I can recount many good memories from over the years. However, one that stands out for me was when MidEuropa had a 20th anniversary celebration in Warsaw. It was a fantastic event at which past and present personnel and advisors came together to celebrate MidEuropa’s long-running success in our region.

What is your ideal weekend / evening?

I love to return home to Ireland when I can to spend time by the sea with family and friends. I also love visiting Italy, and thoroughly enjoy an evening relaxing while watching an Italian cooking programme!

What is your favourite book and why?

I’ve enjoyed Agatha Christie from a young age so any of her books really. I love her interesting plots, clever mix of suspects, quaint settings and twists at the end. I’ve also visited her summer house in Devon which was a great insight into her writing, and I’ve also met the Hercule Poirot actor David Suchet whom I’ve always been a fan of.


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